Exodus 14:21-25, Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land, and the waters were divided. So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. And the Egyptians pursued and went after them into the midst of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. Now it came to pass, in the morning watch, that the LORD looked down upon the army of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and cloud, and He troubled the army of the Egyptians. And He took off their chariot wheels, so that they drove them with difficulty; and the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the LORD fights for them against the Egyptians." NKJV
Are you walking through a hard trial right now? Well, if you’re a child of God, then you have the assurance from the Holy Spirit that God is with you. Whenever the children of Israel saw Pharaoh and his army pursuing them, they were certain in their hearts that IT was over for them. They forgot to factor into the equation that God was with them.
When we face great uncertainty, we, too, must remember our God is with us. You will notice that there was a period of time when the Jews were so filled with fear that they desired to return to Egypt. Here is the lesson that we can take from the testimony of Israel at the Red Sea: if we don’t faint or revert back to our old ways while we’re walking through a hard place, God will deliver us from all our afflictions, just as He promised.
Therefore, we will continue to progress, even in the face of great hostility and overwhelming odds… simply because God is with us. The moment the Jews obeyed God’s command to be still and wait on His plan to be revealed, God began to move. You have to determine in your heart and in your mind that you’re not going to be moved from your faith because of the way things appear in the natural. Once you establish that level of resolve in your heart and spirit, the Lord will begin to take what you’re walking through and turn it into the victory walk that will result in a miracle.
Keep moving forward; don’t stop when you face your Red Sea or fiery furnace. Throughout the Word of God, there are many stories told of when God’s people had to face impossible situations. However, as long as they kept moving ahead, God was faithful and delivered them. Establish your heart through the Word of God and be strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit, and you’ll witness a miracle in your life too. God creates miracles as we continue onward in His power and might. Keep your heart’s attention on the Lord; don’t be moved from your stand of faith in God’s ability to give you the victory. You are more than a conqueror in Christ.
Walking out My Miracle,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery
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