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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Walk By Faith Until You See The Light

Isaiah 9: 2, The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined. NKJV
In the Bible, the word “darkness” has different connotations; it could mean evil, deceit, hidden sins, as well as spiritual ignorance of the truth. Today, however, I want to explore the latter… spiritual ignorance in the life of a believer. If we walk in darkness or a lack of understanding of God’s Word, then we resort to leaning on our own understanding (the word “understanding” is also referred to as LIGHT in God’s word).
In Proverbs, we’re told to guard our heart, for out of it flow forth the issues of life. If our heart doesn’t have the Word of God hidden within it, then we won’t know when we are in violation of His Word. Here is wisdom: we might not know a particular principle that is written in the Word of God; however, our ignorance of that truth won’t prevent us from suffering the devastating fallout from the sin that is hidden in our hearts.
The deceitful thing about sin is that it can be very deceptive. For this reason, God sent His Son, the Word incarnate, into the world. God wanted His people to see the LIGHT and, through the truth, be set free from the blindness of sin. We already know that sin produces death. We also know that God’s Word is the only way we can both have and enjoy life. Therefore, we must develop a hunger to know God’s Word and to hide it in our hearts by honoring it. As we honor God’s Word, it will cleanse our hearts and keep us from sin. When we choose to obey the truth and our ways begin to please the Lord, our life will begin to reflect the goodness and protection of God’s grace.
Paul teaches us in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. As we set our hearts to listen to God’s Word and receive it as truth, it will begin to illuminate our understanding and reveal what is in our hearts. After we have been enlightened by the Word, we must decide whether to align our life with it or to remain the same old person. You see; God’s truth or “light” not only gives us understanding, but it also corrects wrong thinking and wrong action.
Perhaps you have had an issue in your life that wars against your joy and peace as a believer and nothing you have done has seemed to work to stop it. If this describes a situation in your life, James gives us the key to victory. Whenever we find ourselves in various trials/temptations, we are to turn to the Lord and ask Him for wisdom (enlightenment through truth), and He will give it to us liberally.
You have to get serious about circumstances and situations that seem never to end. You must reach a point where you are willing and ready to turn them over to the Lord. As you cast your cares on Him, He will provide you with the answer you need to overcome this problem. James also instructs us to have patience and wait on the Lord as we seek Him for wisdom concerning spiritual mountains that overshadow our lives. Stand on God’s Word today; and continue standing until the LIGHT comes on, and you are able to see things through the eyes of faith.  
Walking in the Light,
Pastor Asa Dockery

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