Proverbs 10 : 22, The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. NKJV
The Lord created you to be blessed and to be a blessing to others. Therefore, if you feel like you’re not blessed to the degree that God would have you to be, then you must seek Him. Isaiah tells us that God’s ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are above our thoughts. Here’s an insight into the truth about God’s blessing coming on your life in a greater dimension. If Adam and Eve were already blessed, just because God created them, then why did He see the need to speak the Word of blessing and dominion over them?
We can conclude that Adam and Eve had a role to fulfill in order to receive and to live in the blessing of the Lord that makes one rich and adds no sorrow. The destiny they were to fulfill, which would release God’s power into their lives, was to obey God’s purpose and will for their lives. Let me explain the principle of faith that releases the blessing. When God instructs anyone to do anything, and they fulfill His instructions, it’s called walking by faith. We walk by faith when we make the choice to live the life that God intended for us, not the will of our flesh nature. When we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, we are living by faith in obedience to His Word.
Obedient faith allows the same blessing that the Lord spoke over Adam, Abraham, and Jesus to begin to flow into our lives as well. How will we know when the blessing of the Lord is beginning to come upon our lives as we walk by faith before the Lord? Before I answer this, let’s look at what happened when Adam and Eve decided to disobey? When we decide to disobey God, this is called living in unbelief. Only faith can produce the promises of God and attract the blessing of the Lord. So when Adam and Eve chose with their will to sin against God, the result was, you guessed it, sorrow.
Now let’s jump a few books of the Bible to Deuteronomy. God spoke to the children of Israel through Moses and commanded them to keep all of His commandments, statutes, and judgments. Then, He followed up these instructions with the promise that they would be blessed. In another part of Deuteronomy, God told them if they decided not to obey, and turned, instead, to other gods and began to serve them, they would bring a curse on themselves. The result of those curses would be great sorrow of heart.
Here is the answer to the question from paragraph three. How will you know when the blessing of the Lord is being released in your life? The promises of God will begin to come to pass. The pain and SORROW of your past will begin to dissipate, giving way to peace and hope, along with a brighter future. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and adds no SORROW! Therefore, if we desire to be blessed and say good-bye to sorrow, we must choose to obey and put God first in our lives. Remember, God promises us in His Word that He will make all things new.
I have one final thought for today. You must be careful to be diligent to obey God’s voice. The enemy will try to throw all types of devices and weapons at you, but you must resist the temptation to give up in your faith walk. Walking by faith is very hard on your flesh simply because it crucifies it. You must decide to suffer a little while so that you can live a life filled with joy and not sorrow.
Thank You Lord,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery
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