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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Double Vision

Proverbs 29 : 18, Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. KJV
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul teaches us that the natural precedes the spiritual. In fact, God uses the physical realm to teach us about the spiritual realm, so that we’re able to understand the ways of God. Having stated this let me ask you a very important question. You have sight, but do you have vision?
It doesn’t take faith to see with our eyes; however, it does require faith to have vision. Throughout both the Old and New Testaments, God gave men and women great visions. When the Lord gave visions to His servants, they would know a thing before it had even begun. Consequently, as they stepped out to fulfill God’s vision for their lives, they were literally walking by faith instead of by sight.
Do you have spiritual vision? Are you able to see the invisible realm as if it is as real as the physical realm? If so, then you have learned how to trust God and take Him at His Word, even though the physical realm or your current circumstances don’t agree with what God has shown you by His Spirit. All Christians should have double vision. In other words, we need to be able to live victoriously in the natural realm by what has been revealed to us in the realm of the Spirit.
The main purpose of today’s word has to do with developing and living patiently while waiting on God’s vision to come to pass. God gives believers visions so that we can know the end of something even before it begins in the natural, but He uses that vision to teach us patience. Satan uses the lack of patience in people to cause us to get ahead of God and spoil our reward. Throughout the New Testament, we are promised great reward “if” we will wait patiently on God’s will to be fulfilled in our lives.
If a person doesn’t have spiritual sight or a vision from the Lord, then they are more apt to give up on God before He has time to work things out on their behalf. You see; God does give us vision. Nevertheless, vision has a greater purpose than just being able to see something that is yet to be fulfilled in the natural realm. God gives us vision so that we will have patience and spiritual sight to “see beyond today’s troubles” and hold on in faith, until the deliverance or breakthrough manifests in our lives.
Here is the reason why I chose today’s scripture from Proverbs 29. The Lord doesn’t want anyone to perish, especially His people. Therefore, He gives us vision to teach us how to wait on God. If we don’t possess vision, we won’t wait; consequently, Satan has an opportunity to cause us to “throw in the towel” too soon and miss our appointed time of deliverance. I like the NKJV of this passage because it gives us better insight into the true meaning of this verse.
Proverbs 29 : 18, Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; NKJV
When we have and live by faith because of what God’s Word declares or because the Holy Spirit has revealed a vision to us, then we will live patiently. We will also discipline ourselves to ensure that we don’t miss the appointed time that God has ordained for His promise to be manifested in our lives. However, if a person doesn’t practice patience and doesn’t have a vision or spiritual sight, they will “cast off restraint.”
When Simon Peter saw Jesus die on the cross, he momentarily lost his spiritual sight. As a result of the eclipse of his faith, he threw off all the restraint that had been given to him while walking with Jesus and returned to his old ways and old lifestyle. We all need faith, spiritual sight, and revelation, or “vision” in order to secure us continually until our faith becomes sight. Vision gives us the power to see beyond our current situations and builds our faith so that we will wait faithfully on God’s timing.
Walking By Faith,
Pastor Asa Dockery

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