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Friday, July 25, 2014

Our Faith Opens The Door

Hebrews 11 : 6, But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. NKJV
The God and Father of our Lord is so gracious and kind to us because we have placed faith in Jesus as being the Son of God. Did you realize that from the very moment you turned your heart to place faith in Jesus that God began to bless you? This insight gives us better understanding into the love that God has for those who have placed their trust in Christ as their personal Savior. Let’s look at faith in this light for a moment. When you came to faith in Christ, the blessings of God began to flow in your heart and life because you had realized that Jesus is the source of this life and eternal life.
At the moment of faith in Christ you were deemed blessed in God’s eyes. Once we humbled ourselves and accepted the free gift of life through Christ, the grace of God was bestowed upon our life. Can you imagine being blessed and having the grace or favor of God lavished on you simply because you believed? There was nothing that you did or could do in order to earn it, yet God freely gives us His blessing once we look to Jesus.
Through faith we are able to begin to comprehend the love that God has for those who receive His Son into their heart. If we come to God in another way than faith in Christ and try to earn God’s favor and love, then we will never be able or allowed to experience either in our life. Remember what the writer of Hebrew wrote in today’s scripture, “But without faith it is impossible to please God.” We realize then that faith opens the door for God’s goodness to be dispensed upon us and there’s nothing we can do to earn it.
If we can be saved by faith, apart from works or earning our salvation then we must continue once we’re born again, by faith. Faith in Christ will teach us how to rest in Him and know that the same God who saved us by faith is the same God that will supply all that we have need of, now that we’re in Christ.
I’ve made this statement before but it bears repeating. It seems easy for people to trust in God for eternal security, so why is it hard to now trust God for everyday needs and desires? The answer: We must continue living by faith after we have come to faith in Christ and this is accomplished by denying self and seeking the Lord. Remember, we need favor and not works to accomplish and obtain all that is needed in life.
Resting in Christ,
Pastor Asa Dockery

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