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Thursday, May 3, 2012

The National Day of Prayer

Jeremiah 33: 1 - 3, Moreover the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah a second time, while he was still shut up in the court of the prison, saying, "Thus says the LORD who made it, the LORD who formed it to establish it (the LORD is His name):'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' NKJV

Psalms 24 tells us that the earth and its fullness, and all who dwell on the earth belong to the Lord. The Lord was expressing this very thing to Jeremiah while he was being held in prison. The people had rejected the Word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah. However, their negative response didn't prevent God from continuing to work through him. After all, the earth still belongs to the Lord, even if its inhabitants don't have the desire to follow His instructions.
Thankfully, the Lord has strategically placed His people throughout the earth so that we might call on Him and allow His kingdom to work in us and His will be fulfilled in the earth. As children of God, we have a mandate and a responsibility to serve the Lord while on the earth. It is through our prayers and obedient faith that God can slow down or stop the plans of Satan and his imps from destroying lives.

Just like Jeremiah, the enemy has launched attacks against the people of God in an attempt to shut up the voice of God in the earth. In spite of the current situations that we face and the opposition from our adversaries, we must train ourselves to turn to the Lord in faith. In the same way that God spoke to Jeremiah in the prison, God desires to show us His divine plan; even so, we must be willing to pray.

Many chapters of the Bible were inspired and written by men who were placed in prison for the gospel's sake. Nevertheless, the circumstances which these men of God faced didn't rob them of their love and devotion to do God's will in their lives. They had no way of knowing that the letters they penned would be printed and sent around the world for generations to come. Likewise, we must not allow the ominous threat that we live under cause us to doubt God's ability to use us to share the "Good News" with others and to pray according to His will.

If there is anything that this world is in need of at this very moment, it is prayer from the people of God. There is nothing that is so wrong with the nations of the world that God can't set them in order through our fervent and effectual prayers. Jeremiah, Peter, Paul, and others could have allowed being in prison to keep them from having faith in God's authority to make life better, but they chose to obey instead of give up. We must have the same resolve and commitment to Christ; we must pray without ceasing for our leaders and the nations.

Many Christians fall in the common trap of Satan that convinces them that they and their spiritual efforts are too little compared to the severity of the situation around them. As a result, many believers will choose to opt out of praying altogether. If you struggle with this mindset, let me encourage you with a Word from God's Word. "Little is much when God is in it." One can chase a thousand, but two can put ten thousand to flight. Finally, with God, all things are possible. Please join with Christians across America and around the world today as we pray for the nations and their leaders.

In the Name of Jesus,
Pastor Asa Dockery

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