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Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Hope Is In the Lord

Matthew 9:36-38, But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." NKJV

The Lord has given me a special word of hope for you today. Everyone needs hope in order to endure difficult times...times such as we're faced with in today's world. You can feel the heart of Jesus, our Good Shepherd, when He saw the multitudes (in the verse above) as sheep having no shepherd. There are many believers out in the world that just don't know where to turn right now for hope. I know we all have Jesus, but even God said it wasn't good for man to be alone... and that was before the fall. The truth is, we all need one another, and we all need the Lord. We need someone to lead us and protect us spiritually as well.

It grieves the heart of God when His people feel as though they have no one to reach out to for comfort, direction, and leadership. It's just heart- wrenching to hear all that families are being bombarded with from the enemy. This is why the Lord has given ministers to the body of Christ, men and women who you can go to and find encouragement and hope in troubling times.

The word gospel simply means the "Good News." Allow me to expound on why the gospel is good news.To the sinner, who is spiritually blind, and can't find his way to God, Jesus is the Savior of the world; He came to seek and save that which was lost. He tells us that we didn't choose Him, but He chose us, and that's good news! To the person who has just received a bad health report and doesn't know where to turn, Jesus is the Great Physician. Our healing was purchased by the stripes that were laid upon His back. I could write a book and not scratch the surface of all that Jesus is to His people that are in need. The problem is connecting His people with the correct wisdom that will allow them to receive all that God has in store for them.

This world was created and established upon the truth. God upholds all things through the word of His power. So when things in the world begin shaking and you don't know what to do, simply turn to the Lord and His Word and ask Him to reveal truth to you, and He will. Truth can't be shaken; so if we have faith in the Word of God, we can't be shaken either. We can find hope in that. What has your heart's attention in this season of your life? Are you gripped with anxiety or apprehension over the condition of the world? Focus your attention on the truth of God's Word and watch as it transforms your life and outlook. Truth establishes us like an anchor and prevents us from being tossed around by the winds that blow.

Jesus tells us in the book of John, chapter 8 that if we will continue, abide, dwell in the truth, we will know the truth and the truth we know will have the power to make us free. Just begin to listen, read, and place your trust only in the truth of God's Word and you'll see the Lord do a mighty work in your life. So the key to the problem of connecting people with the provision is getting to know the Word. He's more than just a book; He's a person. He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. As you meditate upon Him day and night, His truth will begin to set you free. Do you know someone in your life that feels lost in more ways than one? Send this word of encouragement to them and let's be a part of making a difference in someone's life.

The Lord Is Our Refuge,
Pastor Asa

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