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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

God Can and God Will

Jeremiah 32: 27,  "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me? NKJV

One of the greatest honors that we can give God is to completely trust Him. If we ever struggle with trusting His will over our own, disastrous results occur in our lives. I want to share some facts and stats about the Civil War as a means of effectively communicating a principle on faith.

Jesus has told us in Matthew 24 that there will be wars and rumors of wars in the last days. Therefore, we know that conflicts are going to be inevitable in this fallen world. In the mid 1860's, America became divided over social issues. Pursuant to that conflict, slavery was abolished, and the territorial integrity of our country was preserved... but with a tremendous cost. This great nation lost more than 620,000 of its citizens in a period of four years.

Let's bring this story down to a personal level and bring out the real reason for today's word. Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10 that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they're mighty THROUGH GOD to the pulling down of strongholds. He also teaches us that, although we live in the flesh as Christians, we do not war in the manner as the world. Our battle isn't with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers. Therefore, we are to fight in the Spirit and through our faith and trust in God.

When slavery was abolished in America, it came with a great loss of life. However, when God brought Israel (slaves of Egypt) out of Egypt, not one arrow was shot or one sword drawn. Why did Pharaoh let God's people go without a declaration of war against Israel? God had promised Abraham 430 years earlier that He would bring them out of the land of bondage and would judge that land. He also promised that they would come out with great substance. When the TIME had come, God remembered His promises and sent Moses into Pharaoh's court to demand that he release the Jews. After the ten plagues were poured out, Pharaoh let God's people go in peace.

Forty years later, God told Israel's new leader, Joshua, to take the people on into the Promised Land. As they marched around the walls of Jericho according to God's instructions, the walls of that great city were brought down. God had given them the city. They were now living in the land of promise. They had property that they didn't have to purchase, and houses they didn't build. God gave them the wells that other inhabitants had dug and vineyards that other gardeners had planted. Their houses were filled with possessions. (They didn't bring furniture with them) As we read the accounts of God's faithfulness to His people, we see His favor was poured out upon their lives.

Now let's review what we've covered today. By faith, Israel was allowed to go free from Egypt without a war. Forty years later, they were allowed to possess a land they didn't purchase and move into houses they didn't build. Do you see a pattern developing? God is faithful to His people, ALWAYS! He did these mighty works with Israel so that you and I could know what our God is capable of when we believe in Him for our needs to be met. We can trust Him, or we can fight the battle in our own strength. We can pay the price for our needs to be met, or we can let Him supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory. The choice is up to us, and we must choose. Remember this: the blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow.

God Is Not Man,
Pastor Asa

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