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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jesus Has Given You Authority

Luke 10:17-20, When the seventy disciples returned, they joyfully reported to him, "Even the demons obey us when we use your name." "Yes," he told them, "I saw Satan falling from heaven as a flash of lightning! And I have given you authority over all the power of the Enemy, and to walk among serpents and scorpions and to crush them. Nothing shall injure you! However, the important thing is not that demons obey you, but that your names are registered as citizens of heaven."

Can you imagine the response of these disciples when they excitedly declared to Jesus their ability to have authority over demons, and He sets them straight? I can almost hear it now, "You might think that Jesus would be more grateful to us than that." "I thought He would have been proud of our accomplishments." Have you stepped out for the Lord, and seen great success in something, but afterwards you experienced a response in your spirit that let you know the Lord wasn't pleased with what you did? You did this on your own; that is immaturity, and it can pop up its head at the most inopportune times. How many times do we read in the gospels where Jesus was constantly refocusing the attention of the disciples? Immaturity in the principles of the kingdom of God can get us in hot water; so Jesus is faithful to correct us... even if it does bruise our ego. He has given us authority over all the power of the enemy, and desires us to walk in that authority. What He doesn't want to see is Christians obtaining their identity or acceptance with someone for having authority over demons. We are to walk in authority over our adversary, not rejoice over our defeating him. It might seem insignificant, but the violation of this very principle has brought down powerful ministers; they lost their focus, and made it about themselves and about the giants they had defeated. Freedom and not acclamation should be sufficient gratification for overcoming our adversaries. It's the little foxes that spoil the vines.

What practical application can be used to implement this in everyday living? Have you ever been the target of an enemy at work? Perhaps a fellow worker made it their life's mission to get you fired and replaced, but the Lord turned it around for you. How did you respond when you were delivered from the attack, and your enemy fell into their own trap?

In His service,
Pastor Asa

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