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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Developing Your Faith to Finish

Romans 5: 1 - 5, Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. NKJV

We know that troubles and trials are just part of living in a fallen world. But did you know that Satan will use trials, afflictions, infirmities, and etc. to try to prevent you from having faith in Christ? Remember when you were a sinner; there were hard times and pain even then. But now that you're a Christian doesn't it seem those afflictions have intensified? Our adversary, Satan, is going about as a roaring lion seeking those that aren't walking by faith in order that he might devour them. (Ref. 1 Peter 5)

Satan believes that if he applies pain, coupled with spiritual pressure to the weaknesses of our flesh and emotions, then we will give in and go back into unbelief. Satan doesn't take into consideration that our faith in Christ is our strength. In other words, we're not leaning on the arm of the flesh or man's strength, but we're "enduring" through our faith in Christ. The more our faith is tried, and the longer we endure the fiery furnaces of life, the more precious our faith becomes. When our faith has been tried by fire, it will only increase our confidence in Christ to deliver us. Thus it will be our faith in Christ that will give us victory over the Devil, the very one who attacked our faith in the beginning with the trial.

The key to gaining victory over the weaknesses of the flesh nature where you don't "throw in the towel" is to walk by faith. How does that work? Paul teaches us in Romans 10 that faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God. If we will feed our soul a steady diet of God's Word, then the Lord can speak from the Word that we have read and energize our faith by speaking a word in season to our weary soul. Let me say that "a word in season" doesn't necessarily mean that the season will come to a close, but it will "empower you to endure" until the weakness of the flesh nature has been replaced with the character of God.

Once we overcome the flesh nature and endure to the end of the trial, then the season will conclude. While you are waiting for victory, the Holy Spirit will be your coach and your personal trainer; he will encourage you daily. The Lord will also bring people into your life that will speak words to cheer you on in your faith, but you must continue to endure. Paul used several sports metaphors in his writings, but the one thing he stressed is that we keep in the race until the victory is won.

You may be asking, "Why does our heavenly Father allow our faith to be tried so often in this life?" It is because we are learning to be obedient through the things that we suffer; He is forming us into the image of Christ...mature children of God who are filled with God's love and power.

Running the Race,
Pastor Asa

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