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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Lord, Heal Our Land

Lord, Heal Our Land

2 Chronicles 7 : 14, If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

The key to revival and to the restoration of our country is found in today’s scripture. The Bible gives us many accounts of God’s people calling upon the Lord  when they were in affliction and distress. They interceded to God concerning the plight of His people, and God answered their pleas for help with great delivering power.

In Exodus 2, the children of Israel cried out because of the hardships the new king of Egypt forced on them. God heard their prayers and sent Moses to deliver them. In Exodus 17, the Israelites had to fight against Amalek and his people. While Joshua and his warriors fought against Amalek, Moses stood on the hill above the battle and lifted his arms toward God. As long as Moses held his hands up before the Lord, Joshua and the Israelites would prevail. Nevertheless, when Moses grew tired and his arms dropped, Amalek would prevail over the Israelites.

In Genesis 18, the Lord told Abraham that He was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. However, after hearing God’s plans, Abraham began to pray to the Lord on behalf of the righteous people who might live in these cities. He asks the Lord if He will destroy the righteous with the wicked. To this question, God tells Abraham that He would stay His hand of judgment against these wicked and vile cities for the sake of only ten righteous souls. 

I’ve given you only three accounts of where someone interceded (prayed) to God, and God answered their prayers with deliverance in each situation. However, there are many more instances, in both the Old and New Testaments, where God heard and answered the prayers of His people and delivered them from evil and possible annihilation.

As children of God, we have been given the power to have our prayers heard by the Lord of all creation through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Jesus tells us in Matthew 18 that we have the power, through prayer, to affect change on the earth. We can pray for God’s will to be done and for Satan’s will to be stopped, and our prayers will change the outcome of situations. The key to answered prayer is believing. Jesus tells us in Mark 11:24, “Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

As Christians, you and I have the privilege and the responsibility to go before the Lord in prayer whenever we see evil at work in our land. If we pray fervently and believe that God hears and answers our prayers, we will see God’s hand at work on our behalf.

For nine years, I have had the honor of being a part of Awake America prayer gatherings. The sole purpose of these prayer gatherings is to pray for revival in America. We also lift up our leaders on every level of government, as well as the presbytery (ministers) of the churches in America. There’s no doubt that we need God to move in America again and to bring a spiritual awakening to the church. America is also in need of a revival of true repentance.

Here’s the best part! You can be a part of this growing prayer movement in your town or city. Currently, we meet in the following counties: Towns, Union, Fannin, Gilmer, Hall, and Cherokee, N.C. It’s an honor to stand together in prayer with the elected and appointed leaders of our communities and call on the Lord in prayer on behalf of our great country.  For more information about Awake America in your area, contact Lydia Long, prayer coordinator at 706-374-6175 X – 302.

Prayer is the Key,
Pastor Asa Dockery



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