Psalms 119 : 49 - 50, Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life. NKJV
In Psalm 139, David wrote about the faithfulness of God’s presence abiding with His people. David tells the Lord that no matter where he has been in life, he has the testimony that God’s presence was with him there. This is what David declared to the Lord. “If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, "Surely the darkness shall fall on me," even the night shall be light about me.”
How can David make such grandiose statements, unless he has actually experienced them? I find it refreshing that David doesn’t dwell on the fact that he had either been to hell, or gone through hell; and, consequently, was telling God all about his troubles. Instead, David praises God about the truth that he had discovered while he was suffering and how His presence had comforted him.
Isn’t it amazing that God, who is holy and all-knowing loves us so deeply that His presence is always with us? He’s the God of all comfort. Therefore, if we don’t have His Spirit and His Word, or we are not a child of God, we will never be comforted.
Before man sinned, God warned them about the death and sorrow that they would have to face. However, even though God knew beforehand what was about to come upon all mankind, He took it a step further, became a man, and suffered right along with us. He sent His Son to earth to experience what man had to endure. Even so, God didn’t stop there. While Jesus was learning what it meant to suffer as a man in order to obey God’s will to become our Kinsmen Redeemer, He was at the same time suffering so that fallen man could receive the comfort of His Spirit.
Because of Jesus’ obedience on the cross, we have access through Him to receive the God of all comfort in our hearts. Now, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Did you catch that last statement? What makes sin and suffering so hellish is that while in sin, a person is separated from the comforting presence of God. God’s presence restores our soul with the joy of our salvation. His presence is as refreshing water to our thirsty soul.
Nevertheless, in order to access and receive the comfort of God, we need to open our hearts to trust Him. This may be difficult at first because sin and the world teach us not to trust anyone. Even so, if we give God our hearts, He will fill it with His presence and bring us comfort. No one has to live this life apart from the presence of God. We must give the Lord our hurts and our afflicted souls, and then allow Him to make all things new.
If you have been in a dry land, spiritually speaking, or you have been away from the Lord for a while, and you’re ready to return to Him won’t you take a moment and ask Him to restore your soul and to fill your heart with His joy? I sure would be blessed to know if you have responded to the Lord’s outstretched hand today and have accepted the God of all comfort into your life. Please email me at and let me know what God has done for you.
Those Who Mourn Shall Be Comforted,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery
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