There is something innate that is seated deep in the
hearts of humans which seeks to be free. Throughout history people have fought
and died for the dream of being free from various bondages. When people are in
spiritual darkness or bondage they will endeavor to be free but apart from
divine instruction, Satan can use their passion for freedom to drive them from
God, thus placing them deeper into bondage.
If you truly want to experience total liberation, you
will have to undergo a transformation as well. A person can’t fully experience
liberation apart from first encountering a spiritual transformation. In other
words, we can’t do the same things the same way and expect different results.
In John 8 Jesus saved a woman who was taken in the very act of adultery from
her accusers who sought to stone her. After the men all left Jesus and the
woman alone, He told the woman that He didn’t condemn but that wasn’t the last
thing He told her. He said, “Go and sin no more.” She had to have a change in
her heart before she could be totally free from the very thing that brought her
into bondage.
As a pastor who teaches the principles of God’s Word,
I have taught from Romans 12 : 1 – 2, many times. Today, the Lord opened my
eyes to see deeper into these verses. We all need our minds renewed through the
Word of God that we might have a spiritual perspective on things that we face,
instead of a worldly view. It’s one thing to have your mind renewed and to
become a true disciple of Christ but Jesus doesn’t want us to stop there. Jesus
tells us in the gospels that if we desire to follow Him we must deny self, take
up our cross and follow Him. Let’s look at the first condition Jesus requires
of us who seek to live completely free.
We must be willing to deny self in the way that He
denied His will and obeyed God’s will. What does it profit us if we learn the
truth of God’s Word but we don’t submit our hearts to obey any of them?
Paul doesn’t just tell us to have our minds renewed in
order to be transformed but in verse 3 he continues by instructing us not to
think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Now we’re getting down to the
place of getting real with our walk and taking ownership for our own actions.
It is only when we deny self and ask the Lord what He wants to change in us
that we will begin to experience true and lasting liberation from the flesh
nature. We can have our minds renewed but still be filled with spiritual pride
and fall prey to Satan’s devices.
Obviously, the Lord has this on His heart or He
wouldn’t have revealed it to me to share today. Are you submitted to God’s plan
for your life? Are you a true disciple that denies self that you might
experience God’s liberating power in your heart? Let the Lord speak to your
heart today as you seek His will and not your desires and see what happens.
Whom the Son sets free,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery
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