Psalms 139 : 7 – 10, Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me. NKJV
The Bible has much to say about times and seasons. I have noticed over the years of being in ministry and counseling that oftentimes believers go through certain seasons or trials together. A term that is commonly used to describe this phenomenon is, “it comes in waves.” You may not hear about a certain issue for a while, and then it seems that many people are hit “all at once” by the same type of opposition.
Unfortunately, Christians aren’t immune to trials and tragedies just because we have faith in Christ for eternal life. Knowing this, we must remember that we are God’s children, and our heavenly Father has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, we are empowered and comforted by His presence to face, confront, and overcome the fallout which is associated with pain and loss.
Please pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you. Christians are still human. We have feelings and thoughts that arise during (and especially after) trials hit us. Whenever a person is hit with sudden pain, grief, or loss because of a tragedy or unexpected setback, the human nature demands a response. This “natural” response can cause a believer to feel rejected and alone, even in a crowd of other believers.
Since we know that this reaction can occur during a personal loss, we must be on guard with our faith. Recently, I’ve heard several people sharing their hearts about feeling lonely. Loneliness is yet another response of our emotions to experiencing loss or rejection, which can cause Christians to draw back from society and from fellowshipping with other believers. At this point, we must also realize and acknowledge that, even though sorrow and loss are a part of this season, God is still in control, and His presence is with us no matter the hardship.
Satan knows by observation that “saved humans” will wrestle with their faith when affliction enters their lives. So we must see him as a wolf whenever we have a season of suffering or grief. Wolves work very diligently to seek out weak or vulnerable sheep who have strayed away from the rest of the flock. The sheep who are isolated or separated from the rest of the sheep make an easy prey for the wolves to attack and devour.
As hard as it might be for you to see God as a loving, heavenly Father, who cares for you during a difficult season, you must, once again, see that God is with you, and that you’re not alone. By your faith, you can silence the “voices of hurt, loss, rejection, and isolation” and turn your attention back to the goodness of the Lord.
I can personally attest to this truth; “It works!” Whenever I have had to face dark seasons, I’ve learned to keep my eyes on Jesus and my ears attuned to His Word. Trials and personal tragedies must be met with the faith and determination that God is with us, and He has not forsaken us. Therefore, I don’t have to believe my emotions or thoughts.
Instead, I choose to stand on the truth of God’s covenant Word with me and my family. You know what? My emotions and thoughts have failed me, but God and His Word have always carried me and our family through the darkest of times.
Jesus Is a Very Present Help,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery
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