Proverbs 14: 11 - 12, The house of the wicked will be overthrown, but the tent of the upright will flourish. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. NKJV
Do you know someone who confesses to be born again, but their beliefs and actions don't reflect the principles of Jesus' teaching? I thought so. Before we dive into today's topic, let me ask you a sobering question. If you were deceived by the enemy and were living in a way that is displeasing to God, but didn't realize it, wouldn't you want someone to pray for you to know the truth? Consider what I just asked you for more than just a moment before you answer the question.
Today's passage from Proverbs tells us that there is a way that seems right to us, but its end is the way of death. Just because we believe something and "feel" in our hearts that it is correct, it does not make it so. In fact, if we believe something that doesn't line up with God's Word, then that belief can invite death into our life. God spoke through the prophet Hosea and told us that His people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge concerning the truth.
The reason there are so many "believers" who remain worldly in their beliefs and actions can be attributed to their lack of reading and applying God's Word to their hearts. Therefore, their minds aren't renewed; and, as a result, they will remain conformed to the ways of the world. We must hide God's Word in our hearts so that we don't sin against it. If you know someone who confesses Jesus as Lord, but lives like they're still in the world, then begin to pray for God to remove the blinders from their spiritual eyes. Ask the Lord to place a deep hunger in their hearts to read and to devour the Word of God.
If we know someone who is trapped in a web of deception, we are commanded in the Word of God to pray for their soul; read Ezekiel 3 as a reference. Further, throughout many of Paul's letters to the churches in Asia, Paul said that after hearing of their faith, he prayed continuously for the new converts to Christ. He prayed that God would open the eyes of their understanding. A lack of understanding is a leading cause of new believers not having a hunger for God's Word. As we pray for "carnally" minded believers to come out of the fog and walk in the Light of truth through the application of God's Word, then the Holy Spirit can bring clarity to their hearts.
It's just not enough to say I believe in Christ and not know the Word of God; this will set believers up for failure in their faith walk. Will you take some time right now and make a list of people in your life that you know do not walk in the truth, but, instead are deceived? When you compile your list begin to pray regularly for the deception to come off of their hearts. You will be excited and blessed as you watch God move in their lives, and you witness their spiritual turn around. Please drop me a note when you witness a revival in the lives of your loved-ones and friends.
Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery
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