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Monday, August 20, 2012

Ever Tried to Quit Sinning?

John 15: 5, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. NKJV

Are you committing a sin, or do you have a habit that you desire to quit, but you can't seem to muster up the power to defeat it? If so, God has given me some wisdom for you today. 

I remember a time many years ago when I was suffering greatly with sinus trouble. Consequently, I had to use nasal spray to keep my sinuses open enough to breathe. Unfortunately, the illness held on for an extended time, and I formed an addiction to the brand of nose spray that I had been using. I tried to quit using the spray because it bothered me to be bound by a substance. One day as I was driving home from work, I felt compelled to throw the spray bottle away. Once the medicine was gone, I knew that I would have to trust God to move me forward without it. Since that day, I have breathed freely, and I've never had the desire or need to use nose spray again. 

On another occasion, I was at a drive-through about to order my usual, which was a biscuit and a cup of coffee. I sensed the Lord's presence in my truck, and I heard Him ask me to lay down my desire for coffee.  I merely drank one cup per day, and only on work days... and I'm not condemning coffee as a beverage. It's just that the Lord asked me to let it go and guess what? I did. It's been at least fifteen years since I last drank coffee. 

Nonetheless, why am I telling you so much about myself? If you've been struggling with a sin or a habit, and you haven't been able to lay it down, let me ask you one question. Are you trying to quit whatever the issue is in your own strength? If you've tried to stop and have been unsuccessful, then know that we, by ourselves, can do nothing to stop sin or addiction. Instead, we must do as Jesus said in today's scripture: We must abide in Him. This term, "Abide in Him" simply means that we keep His commands and obey His voice when He speaks instructions to our hearts. 

Instead of trying to quit a sin or habit, focus your attention on keeping the Word and obeying the voice of God. As you keep the Word, rather than trying in your own power to stop sinning, the Word will empower your faith to overcome the stronghold or yoke of the enemy. David wrote in Psalm 119, "Your word have I hidden in my heart that I might NOT SIN against it." He wasn't focused on discontinuing the sin; he was focused on keeping the Word. Since he kept the Word, it gave him power over sin. When Christians keep the Word, it gives us the power to obtain the victory that we so eagerly seek after. 

If you're in a battle over a sin or an addiction to "nose spray" or whatever, then focus all your efforts on keeping God's Word and listening for the voice of God to speak a (rhema* word) into your spirit that will set you free. It is my prayer that, as you read today's devotion, God's Spirit and power will be released in your heart and body, and will completely liberate you from any bondages. In Jesus' name, I pray and believe with you. 

*Rhema word means a word or scripture that is made alive by the Holy Spirit to you personally from God's Word about your particular situation.

If you have received a breakthrough in your life today, will you share your victory testimony with me? You can contact me at prayer@whcnorth.org. 

Standing in Agreement with You,
Pastor Asa Dockery 

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