9 : 36 – 38, But when He saw the multitudes,
He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like
sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest
truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the
harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
Jesus tells us in the gospels to go into all the world
and make disciples of all nations. After Jesus’ passion, the disciples were
assembled in the upper room and were praying. As they were praying, the Father
sent His Spirit upon them and baptized them with His holy fire. It was through
this divine act that the church became mobilized to fulfill the Great
In today’s passage, we read where Jesus was looking upon
the people that day, saw the weariness on their faces, and was moved with
compassion for them. Even though that scripture was penned over two-thousand
years ago, the compassion of Christ is still reaching out to the multitudes of
people around the world who are weary and scattered. Jesus is saying to the
church of today, “My tables are filled with partakers, but My fields are in
need of laborers.”
Are you a child of God? If you are, it doesn’t matter
where life finds you today, you are still a servant of the Most High God, and
you have a job that needs your time and attention. According to Paul’s letter
to the church at Corinth (and us), we all have a ministry. It’s called the
ministry of reconciliation. No one can reach a lost and hurting person like
someone, namely you, who is with that person and knows Christ like you do.
If you’re a Christian, then know that God can use your
availability to reach out to those whom the “four-walled church” cannot. You
are the church or temple of the living God, and God wants you to be activated
and to win souls for Him. Simply make yourself available to the Lord and the
Holy Spirit will show you the plan and the person or persons you are to impact
for His kingdom. One sows the seeds and another waters those seeds, but it is God,
who gives the increase.
We must not place the burden of saving the world upon
“the church” because you are the church, “the called-out ones.” You’ve been
called out of darkness and into His marvelous light. It is now your personal responsibility (DUTY) to share
your testimony and love with others. Will you make a commitment to Christ… to
at least be willing to let Him use you to reach someone who might otherwise
spend eternity separated from God without your help?
Casting the Net for Laborers,
Pastor Asa Dockery
Pastor Asa Dockery